First tenants move into flagship Levenmouth Business Park

The first tenants have moved into the new flagship Levenmouth Business Park – marking a major milestone in the ongoing regeneration of Mid-Fife.

Seven new modern and attractive units have been built at Muiredge on the outskirts of Buckhaven, providing 741 square metres of space for a range of businesses and supporting the creation of an estimated 15 jobs.

The units – which have been built to a high specification - have evidenced high demand, with six units snapped up by growing businesses and new enterprises with ongoing enquiries focussed on the remaining available unit.

After the units were formally handed over by contractors last week, the occupants are starting to settle into their new surroundings, supporting the expansion of Levenmouth’s business base.

The creation of Levenmouth Business Park is part of the £58 million 10-year Fife Industrial Innovation Investment (Fife i3) Programme, which has been supported through the wider £1.5 billion Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal and aims to provide much-needed serviced employment land and new industrial, office and business space across the Kingdom.

Around £1.2 million was secured via the City Region Deal for this particular project, while £715,000 from the Levenmouth Reconnected Programme – a £10 million fund set up to maximise the benefits of the new Levenmouth Rail Link – also went towards site servicing and the new builds.

Councillor Altany Craik, spokesperson for finance, economy and strategic planning, said he was delighted to see the new units open for business.

“The Fife i3 Programme is all about creating conditions for start-ups and SMEs (small/medium-sized enterprises) to grow and innovate, and with that comes direct and indirect employment, increased demand for local services, and major benefits for supply chain businesses both here in Fife but across Scotland more generally,” he commented.

“It’s great to hear these units have been in demand, and of course they are perfectly placed to take advantage of the new £116m Levenmouth Rail Link, the new active travel network going in, and enhanced bus services.

“We’ve been committed to ensuring new, flexible business property is available across a range of locations, sizes and uses, and I think Levenmouth Business Park is a prime example of that.

“On behalf of the council, we’d like to wish all the new tenants well and we look forward to seeing them flourish.”

Fife Council’s Economic Development team has led on the development and promotion of the new units and employment land with the aim of securing new occupiers and investment at the Business Park. To find out more, visit or email

A fly-through video of the new units can be found on the Levenmouth Reconnected You Tube channel here:

Work Gets Underway on City Deal Project in Kirkcaldy

Fife’s flagship Industrial Innovation Investment programme has now begun construction work on seven single storey business units on land to the east of Midfield Drive, within Dunnikier Business Park, Kirkcaldy.

The modern buildings include solar panels and are located at an established and popular business location in the town, close to key transport links including public transport.  The units are scheduled for completion in the autumn, and will boost economic development opportunities within Kirkcaldy, and provide small business space to local enterprises with growth ambitions. 

The project is part of a wider investment programme, the Fife Industrial Innovation Investment (i3) programme, which will deliver new buildings and serviced sites across Mid and South Fife.  It will support the creation of 1,000 new skilled permanent jobs and almost 600 short-term construction jobs.  It also aims to attract around £30 million in private sector investment. This will be facilitated by joint working between the region’s universities, Fife businesses and Fife Council to deliver high value jobs. The programme is part of the £1.3 billion Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, a partnership of local authorities, universities and colleges, and the Scottish and UK Governments to deliver a 15-year programme that will transform the regional economy.

Neil Crooks, Convener - Kirkcaldy Area Committee, Fife Council: "I am pleased that this project is now underway, and that Kirkcaldy is one of the first towns in Fife to benefit from investment from the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal. 

“Our focus in Fife is firmly on fairer economic growth, where everyone benefits from good employment opportunities.  I’m looking forward to seeing tenants getting in and getting going when these units are finished next autumn.  That’s what this investment is really about, supporting growing businesses that can invest in their workforce to create and sustain good jobs.  The properties themselves are being built with future challenges and opportunities in mind, so the companies locating here will have premises that can adapt with their business model.”

The Fife Industrial Innovation Investment programme will be delivered in three phases. Phase one, which runs until March 2022, includes projects Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Lochgelly, Dunfermline and Dalgety Bay and will deliver a mix of completed buildings to let and serviced land available for immediate investment by new or existing businesses.

Altany Craik, Convener - Economy, Tourism. Strategic Planning & Transportation Committee, Fife Council, added: “This project is the first visible sign in Kirkcaldy of the positive changes that the City Region Deal will bring to Fife.

“Through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal regional partners will secure more than £1.3 billion of investment for the city region over the next 15 years.  We believe that this can create clear opportunities for genuine inclusive economic growth and investment in Fife. 

“The Deal focuses on growing the regional economy through collaboration and by being outward-looking, building on the region’s existing strengths in key sectors and industries. Our Fife Industrial Innovation Investment programme will increase the supply of serviced employment land and new industrial, office and business space in Fife.

"Through the wider City Region Deal Fife businesses will have increased opportunities to build-on the value they generate from their data by adopting digital technologies, and use this to create new products, and generate both new supply chain arrangements and new business models - creating and safeguarding jobs."

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Green light for City Region Deal commercial project in Kirkcaldy

Fife’s flagship Industrial Innovation Investment programme has secured planning permission for seven single storey business units within Dunnikier Business Park in Kirkcaldy. 

Work on land to the east of Midfield Drive is scheduled to begin this autumn.

The programme is part of the £1.3 billion Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, a partnership of local authorities, universities, Scottish and UK governments to deliver a 15-year programme that will transform the regional economy.

The construction will include solar panels and a new access road as well as car parking.

This will boost economic development opportunities within Kirkcaldy, and provide small business space to local enterprises with growth ambitions.

The Fife Industrial Innovation Investment programme will deliver new buildings and serviced sites across Mid and South Fife. It will support the creation of 1,000 new skilled permanent jobs and almost 600 short-term construction jobs. This will be facilitated by joint working between the region’s universities and Fife businesses and Fife Council to deliver high value jobs.

Neil Crooks, convener of Fife Council’s Kirkcaldy area committee, said: “This is a major economic opportunity for the businesses that will be able to expand into the new units. We know that demand in Kirkcaldy is strong for this type of Unit, so the emphasis is very much on getting these ready for tenants as quickly as possible.

“Our focus in Fife is firmly on fairer economic growth, where everyone benefits from good employment opportunities and regional investments. The programme of investment will deliver much-needed new industrial buildings in key locations in Mid and South Fife.

“This is another important step forward in delivering the ten-year programme that will encourage more businesses to locate and grow within Fife, and secure a further £30m of investment by the private sector.”

Altany Craik, convener - economy, tourism, strategic planning & transportation committee at Fife Council, added: “This project, now on its way to becoming a reality, will be the first visible sign in Kirkcaldy of the positive changes that the City Region Deal will bring to Fife.

“Through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal regional partners will secure more than £1.3 billion of investment for the city region over the next 15 years.  We believe that this can create clear opportunities for genuine inclusive economic growth and investment in Fife. 

“The Deal focuses on growing the regional economy through collaboration and by being outward-looking, building on the region’s existing strengths in key sectors and industries. Our Fife Industrial Innovation Investment programme will increase the supply of serviced employment land and new industrial, office and business space in Fife.”

Cabinet secretary for transport, infrastructure and connectivity, Michael Matheson, said:“Since 2014 we have committed £1.8 billion through these deals and associated investment to help drive growth that will deliver significant and lasting economic benefits for individuals, businesses and communities across our country.

“These deals benefit Scotland as a whole and have the power to build on an area’s significant strengths and expertise. Fife’s flagship industrial innovation investment programme is a perfect example of this and I’m delighted to see it progressing.”

The Fife Industrial Innovation Investment programme will be delivered in three phases. Over the next two years, new industrial premises will be developed across four sites in Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Lochgelly and Dunfermline.

Over two hectares of new serviced employment land in Dunfermline and Dalgety Bay will also be made available for immediate investment by new or existing businesses. 

In consideration of the application for planning permission, the proposal to erect the business units and associated work within the existing Dunnikier Business Park was assessed against the Development Plan alongside other considerations, including the principle of development, transportation, urban design and the demand for quality, modern units.

Fife businesses set to benefit from pioneering Data-Driven Innovation programme

L to R: Jarmo Eskelinen, Director of the Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) initiative and Gordon Mole, Head of Service- Business and Employability, Fife Council

L to R: Jarmo Eskelinen, Director of the Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) initiative and Gordon Mole, Head of Service- Business and Employability, Fife Council

Tackling business challenges and opportunities through Data-Driven Innovation 

Fife businesses have started on a journey that will enable them to reap the vast benefits of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) programme that is set to boost economic growth. Business leaders and managers from across Fife recently attended an industry event on how best to drive improvement through data on 26 February, at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Inverkeithing.

Delegates were given new insights into how data can expand the contribution of research to the region’s economy, and increase entrepreneurial activity. Fife businesses were also shown how companies are already using data technologies to enhance commercial performance and the profound impact data innovation is making across diverse sectors.

Jarmo Eskelinen, Director of the Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) initiative, shared his experience of working with businesses, universities and city leaders in the UK and Finland to drive improvement and tackle their growth challenges with data.

The 15- year £661m Data-Driven Innovation programme is a key part of the City Region Deal, and is designed to reach out to the whole City Region, so that businesses, public sector bodies and other organisations can use data to improve productivity and develop new products and services.

The University of Edinburgh is collaborating with Heriot-Watt University to create five DDI ‘hubs’ targeting 10 industry sectors across the public, private and third sectors - from creative industries and healthcare to fintech and robotics. The ambitious programme is designed transform the city region into the Data Capital of Europe through better data skills. It aims to train 100,000 people in data skills over the next decade, from computer science specialists to traditional jobs that will increasingly use data.

Gordon Mole, Head of Service- Business and Employability, Fife Council, said: "We are starting to explore the potential for Data Driven Innovation to improve our region’s economy by creating more and better jobs, improving services, while helping some companies to start-up and others to grow.

"This ground-breaking City Region Deal Data-Driven Innovation initiative is enabling a diverse range of organisations to develop and test new services to meet the needs of our communities.

"A number of businesses looked into how data can ensure continuous improvement in your business, and drive economic growth, social change and public services."

Jarmo Eskelinen, Director of the Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) initiative, said: “The DDI Programme is committed to supporting local businesses as they experiment and embed data driven innovation into their business processes. This pilot project will allow Fife Council and the University of Edinburgh to support the input of cutting-edge research and expertise into Fife-based businesses, through a new integrated approach to innovation funding support. There is already interest from other City Region local authority partners to trial the approach if this pilot is successful.”

Through this, and other events, the City Region Deal will ensure that organisations from across the region fully benefit from the fast-developing field of Data-Driven Innovation and drive innovation through big data and artificial intelligence.

It is estimated that Scotland needs around 13,000 extra workers each year with data skills as the workplace transforms. Together, the two universities will increase the provision of data science teaching for their students, and support schools and colleges across the region to provide digital skills teaching and training. The region’s supercomputing capabilities will also be strengthened with investment in a data analysis facility, which will help 1,000 organisations use data to innovate.

Companies attending the event included CoorsTek Ltd, Diageo, FLEXCon, Subsea International Ltd, Scott Group, Interface and Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS).

Work starts on Fife’s flagship City Region Deal programme

Fife’s flagship Industrial Innovation Investment programme is now taking shape as construction work starts on nine new business units at Queensway Industrial Estate, Glenrothes. 

L to R: Cllr Altany Craik, Fife Council Modern Apprentice, Matthew Fleming, Bell Group Modern Apprentice, Michael McManus, Cllr Fiona Grant.

L to R: Cllr Altany Craik, Fife Council Modern Apprentice, Matthew Fleming, Bell Group Modern Apprentice, Michael McManus, Cllr Fiona Grant.

Fife’s ten-year £48.4m Industrial Innovation Investment Programme will deliver much-needed new buildings and serviced sites in key locations in Mid and South Fife. It will create 1,000 new skilled permanent jobs and almost 600 short-term construction jobs over the 15-year lifetime of the City Deal. Joint working between the region’s universities, Fife businesses and Fife Council will deliver high value jobs.

The programme forms part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, a partnership of the Scottish and UK Governments, local authorities and universities that will transform the regional economy. Through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, regional partners will secure more than £1.3 billion of investment for the city region over the next 15 years. 

The programme is already boosting the economy through construction activity.

Infrastructure Secretary, MSP Michael Matheson, said: “Since 2014 we have committed £1.8 billion to deals and associated investment to drive growth that will deliver significant and lasting economic benefits for individuals, businesses and communities across the country.

 “These deals benefit Scotland as a whole, creating thousands of jobs and upskilling local labour markets. They truly have the power to build on the area’s significant strengths and expertise, as we are witnessing first-hand in Fife with the start of this flagship industrial innovation investment programme.”

The City Region Deal is ensuring skilled local jobs for local people.  Michael McManus, aged 19, from Glenrothes, who is in his first year of a Modern Apprenticeship, with Bell Group, Kirkcaldy, is set to work on the site.

The Bell Group, Kirkcaldy, is a branch of UK's largest commercial painting and decorating contractor. Michael said: “Through my apprenticeship I have been able to work on, and improve, my painting and decorating skills. I’m confident in my role and I've learnt new skills. In the future I’ll continue to improve to be the best painter and decorator I can possibly be.”

Fife Council Modern Apprentice Matthew Fleming, age 25, from Leven, will be involved in fitting the plumbing inside the nine units. Matthew will fit the mechanical plumbing fixtures and fittings. Now in his fourth year of his Modern Apprenticeship, Matthew has developed skills in plumbing installations and maintenance, installing and servicing gas appliances, as well as bathroom repairs and replacements.

Cllr. Fiona Grant, Convener, Glenrothes Area Committee, said: "The units are a huge step forward in offering businesses accommodation fit for the future and will help will boost economic development across Mid Fife. The development includes a connection to the district heating plant, a new access road and car parking on land to the north of Flemington Road."

Cllr. Altany Craik, Convener, Economy, Tourism, Planning & Transportation Committee, said: “Our focus in Fife is firmly on fairer economic growth, where everyone benefits from good employment opportunities and regional investments. Work starting in Glenrothes is the first visible sign of the many positive changes that the City Region Deal will bring.

 “The Deal is set to help grow the regional economy through collaboration and building on the region’s existing strengths in key sectors and industries.

"Through the wider City Region Deal Fife businesses will have increased opportunities to build-on the value they generate from their data by adopting digital technologies, and use this to create new products, and generate both new supply chain arrangements and new business models - creating and safeguarding jobs."

Fife's Industrial Innovation Investment programme will increase the supply of serviced employment land and new industrial, office and business space in Fife. This is an important step forward in delivering the programme that will encourage more businesses to locate and grow within Fife, and secure a further £30m of investment by the private sector.