The Integrated Knowledge Management System (IKS) project is delivering a new, joined up Management Information System (MIS) for Skills and Employability across the region. After a competitive procurement process, the resulting new system, called Helix, was launched in March 2022. This system will provide an upgrade to the range of systems currently in use, giving a better experience for both caseworkers and clients and will continue to have new functionality added.

The system will also have a partner website: which will be an access point for members of the public looking to engage with services, retuning clients and employers.

Currently four Local Authorities are using the system for all employability delivery, with an additional Local Authority on Helix for their work through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Helix also houses all data for all six Local Authorities for the IFSS and IEE ESES City Deal projects. Some LAs already track Community Learning and Development (CLD) delivery on the system with others planning to do this in the future.

By having all six Local Authorities using the same system with a common data language, this project will allow a much deeper understanding of delivery across the region, easier reporting and allow for data analysis and insight. By working as a collective, it will also mean the system provides economy of scale; developments only need to be completed once, allowing a quicker and more economical response to the requirement of funders; and there is a central resource with involvement from all Local Authorities to oversee future developments.

Project Lead: Rona Hunter, Capital City Partnership

IKS Project Proposition [PDF 1.1MB]

Updated 24/2/25