The Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal is the first in Scotland to incorporate a project that acknowledges the role transport plays in supporting employment, training and education. This project aims to work across sectors to improve communication, and the effectiveness of local transport to support the ambitions of the IRES programme and the Regional Prosperity Framework.

Download the Workforce Mobility Project Proposition [PDF 1.36 MB]


Digital Brochure

The Workforce Mobility project has developed a digital brochure which communicates the most important details about the project and its outputs.

View the interactive brochure

Download the brochure in PDF format [PDF, 2.49MB]

Links to Project Outputs

The purpose of The City of Edinburgh Council Employee Postcode and Travel Analysis was to review the sustainable travel catchment area of the top 50 largest employers in Edinburgh and carry out employee postcode mapping for Council staff.  The analysis was provided to Edinburgh City Council by The Workforce Mobility Project. The City of Edinburgh Council Employee Postcode and Travel Analysis [PDF, 2.36MB]

The East Lothian Journey Hubs Feasibility Study assessed options and provided recommendations for implementing journey Hubs across East Lothian. The project was delivered for East Lothian Council by the team at AtkinsRéalis . The Workforce Mobility Project provided funding, management resources and data to support the study.  East Lothian Journey Hubs Feasibility Study [PDF. 1.01MB}

Baseline Report The purpose of this baselining report is to better understand the transport and digital barriers people experience in accessing employment, training, and further education in the ESES City Region and to validate anecdotal evidence captured in the stakeholder engagement workshops. Potential solutions to the barriers are also detailed in this report. Workforce Mobility Final Baseline Report August 2022 [PDF, 3.07MB]

Bus Driver Recruitment Campaign A cross-region campaign to encourage people to consider a career as a bus driver was launched on the 20th June 2023. Find out more at

A Sustainable Travel Employer Initiatives Funding and Tax Incentives document was published in June 2023. This document details a set of measures and information to support employers in the promotion and investment in active and sustainable commuting of their employees. Sustainable Travel Employer Initiatives Funding and Tax Incentives document [PDF, 616KB]

The Workforce Mobility Project has conducted both primary and secondary research into existing bicycle friendly bus services in the UK and detailed its findings in The Bikes on Buses Performance Review & Recommendations Final Report. Bikes on Buses Performance Review and Recommendations report (November 2023) [PDF, 1.4MB]